Being able to walk into any environment with authenticity and assurance is a transformative feeling. Confidence allows one to tackle any experience without fear or incertitude. We believe everyone can tap into their inner confidence and should harness that power unforgivingly.


Taking care of the body and mind are fundamental. We believe in listening to your personal needs and establishing a wellness routine that blends into your lifestyle.


Diversity is the truth of humankind. Different cultures, races, sexual identities, genders, sizes, etc, have always been a part of the world’s DNA and it’s something we believe shouldn’t just be tolerated, but celebrated. Including these perspectives creates a more well-rounded life experience, as everyone’s ideas and ways of life are important and should be shared.


There’s a sensual part to all humans. Nobody can define the rules to someone else’s sexuality. How they choose to present and explore it is their choice. We celebrate all who feel the same way and hope to inspire others to partake in this practice with us.


Our love for design and art inspires the way we live. The beauty of simplicity and embracing freedom of expression drive us. Thoughtful reduction and the appreciation of art is something we believe everyone should try out for their own lives.



We promise to create quality essentials while never forgetting to celebrate and highlight what makes us different.